Body Scanning & Digital Sculpting: Andy Monument
Even today, more than 20 years after the famed artist's death, young artists and creative thinkers continue to be inspired by the life and work of Andy Warhol. Artist Rob Pruitt is an example of one who has been touched by Warhol's legacy. He was inspired to make his pilgrimage to New York and even met Andy Warhol while interviewing for a job at the Factory.
"Every day a thousand more kids come to New York propelled by his legacy. And even if the decades pass and Warhol's legacy becomes further distant, there is a direct link to him – this pilgrimage, coming here to make it big, to be an artist. Like Oscar Wilde's grave at Père Lachaise, there should be a destination in New York to mark that journey...The final nod to history and its heritage should be marked with the likeness of the man who personified a new way of making culture - a sculptural icon for the aspiring generations that New York City, and especially Union Square, continues to draw." - Words from the Artist, Rob Pruitt return to full slide show The Challenge:
Create a larger than life-size, 3D digital model of Andy Warhol following the vision of the artist, which can be manufactured and finished in chrome. return to full slide show The Solution:
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